Our services
We practice the same project-centric approach to ensure efficient, cost-effective and timely implementation of systems for large and small projects alike.
The success of the project is your goals and objectives plus our experience. When implementing a project, we always act in your interests. It is not enough to choose the best solution provider, you need to make it do what you want. Each project is individual and is developed for your specific tasks.
But there are situations when you just need to get qualified advice to make a decision. Radian-QS has qualified employees who can look at your business, as they say, “from the outside” and assess the state of affairs with “big strokes”. Or we can just talk about some aspects of doing business in order to digitalize, optimize technologies and business processes.
Preparation and planning (Pre-Study)
We start our work with a systematic and comprehensive audit:
- definition of goals and objectives
- analysis of business requirements
- audit of architecture and functionality
- audit of data processing, processing and storage procedures
- IT architecture audit (network, server, Database) and performance analysis
- define the key parameters of the project and collect the information necessary to open the project
- we will conduct interviews with the company’s personnel and identify current business processes
- perform a gap analysis and identify the business processes and technical areas that the projects will cover
- find systems to upgrade or replace within the project
- new achievements in design and development
As a result of a pre-project phase, you will have a complete understanding of the benefits that you will obtain at the end of the project, the way to achieve the project goals, as well as a high-level budget. After completing this stage, you will have complete information to form of the Project Charter and the official opening of the project.
Project management
In our work, we are guided by the project management standards developed by the PMI Project Management Institute – the PMBOK document (Project Management Body Of Knowledge). According to them, we distinguish:
Ten areas of expertise:
- project integration management
- project scope management
- project schedule management
- project cost management
- project quality management
- project resource management
- project communications management
- project risk management
- project procurement management
- project stakeholder management
Five process groups:
- initialization
- planning
- execution
- monitoring and control
- closing
Business Process Modeling
We analyze what we currently have (AS-IS) and build a model of new processes (TO-BE)

Busines processes modelling
We use BPMN notation to design business processes.
Project charter
Let’s create a Project Charter that will contain:
- client’s requirements for the system being created: from the side of the business customer, from the technical side
- activities included in the scope of the project
- activities not included in the project work
- desired time frame for project implementation
- restrictions
- budget, project management structure
- reporting structure
- other requirements
System Architecture Development
The system architecture defines a set of methodological, technological and technical solutions to provide information support for the organization’s activities, determined by its business architecture.
Radian-QS is engaged in the design of application architecture, data architecture and technical architecture.
Application architecture includes:
- actual application systems that support the execution of business processes
- interfaces between application systems and between themselves and with external systems and data sources or consumers
- tools and methods for developing and maintaining applications
The data architecture includes:
- databases and data storages
- database or data storage management systems
- rules and means of authorizing access to data
The network architecture includes:
- global computer network architecture
- communication protocols, services and addressing systems used in networks
- emergency plans to ensure the uninterrupted operation of networks in emergency situations
Platform architecture includes:
- computer hardware – servers, workstations, drives and other computer equipment
- operating and control systems, utilities and office software systems
- emergency plans to ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment (mainly servers) and databases under emergency conditions
Development of IT architecture
Create an architectural solution and will provide detailed documents and diagrams:
- block diagrams
- functional diagrams
- diagrams and passports of interfaces
- data flow diagrams
- ER diagrams
- procedures and schedules for information exchange
We will help with the choice of hardware.
System Integration Design
System integration is the process of connecting various subsystems (components) into a single large system function as a whole. In terms of software solutions, system integration is usually defined as the process of connecting different IT systems, services and/or software so that they can all work together functionally.
The goal of system integration is that, through integration, the various IT systems of an organization “understand and talk to each other”. Integration speeds up information flows and reduces operating costs for the organization.
Radian-QS, with the help of system integration, will not only connect and integrate the internal systems of your organization, but also third parties with which the organization works.
We design system integration at all levels:
B2B (“business to business”)
This integration basically means integrating, automating and optimizing business processes that go beyond the company’s firewall.
B2C (“business to consumer”)
Sale of goods and services to individual customers for personal consumption, the interaction of the company with the final consumer – an individual.
B2G («business to goverment»)
Sale of goods and services to government agencies and institutions, in particular through the public procurement system.
C2C («consumer-to-consumer»)
These are online sales and trading in real conditions, where both the seller and the buyer are individuals, mutual settlements between individuals.
Development of specifications (technical documentation)
To minimize the risks of project implementation and its results, we will develop specifications for all work in the project, in which we fix:
- detailed development requirements
- duration of the project, any of its phases or subprojects
- who is responsible for each work in the project
- the approach chosen to solve the problem
- main outcomes of the project
- accurate indication of key decision points and milestones
- evaluation of resource planning
- responsibility of the parties
- cost of stages and the project as a whole
Financial modeling
Calculate for the project:
- investment required prior to system operation (capital expenditure – CAPEX)
- system operating costs ( Operational expenditure – OPEX)
- commission income from new project and related products
- discounted financial flows
The forecast is usually made for a period of 5 years. As a result, the client receives a financial model adapted to the specific business of the client, and growth charts with a clear break-even point.
Software development
Software development is a long and laborious process.
- • we will develop the necessary software
- • we will involve, if necessary, our subcontractors in order to implement the project or we will find software developers on the Russian market with the lowest prices and the most optimal development time.
Holding tenders
We are ready to organize a tender and develop the necessary tender documents in other areas of interest to you:
- software development
- acquisition of computer hardware – servers, workstations, drives and other computer equipment
- choice of service provider
- selection of partners for construction, design and construction work
- IT consulting
Tender scheme:
- Our specialists offer a long list of suppliers, which is verified and approved with the client
- From this list, a final list (short-list) is compiled
- Together with the client, we prepare a document called a Request for Quotation (RFP) to be sent to shortlisted candidates
- RFPs are sent to suppliers and their responses and suggestions are collected and analyzed by our team and the client. If necessary, meetings with suppliers are organized
- To ensure transparent supplier selection, we create a comparison document called the Decision Making Matrix (DMM). The matrix contains the decision parameters, the weight of the parameter for the client, the ratings by the participating experts for each parameter associated with the supplier’s proposal
- The matrix averages the scores of all experts, calculates the weights of the parameters and scores, and then calculates the overall score for the proposal. The offer with the highest score wins the tender
Solution certification, testing and launch
Certification processes are resource-intensive, time-consuming and expensive, and almost always lie on the critical path of a project. This means that all certification tests must be carefully prepared to avoid additional costs and to complete the project on time.
With the help of the experienced Radian-QS staff, you will receive:
- fast and correct filling of forms
- detailed instructions to all project participants at the stage of preparation and testing
- support at all stages of testing
- support during reporting
- high probability of passing the tests the first time
- maintenance of debugging, integration and final testing
After testing and certification, we can talk about the successful launch of the project.
Education and training
After making changes to the existing business processes of the company, optimizing its work, introducing new software, implementing ofsoftware and hardware systems, digitalization and automation of work processes, it is necessary to train personnel at all levels. Usually changes in work occur both at the level of administration and heads of departments, and ordinary employees: accountants, cashiers, support staff.
We will train:
- basics of functioning and interaction of subsystems
- reconciliation procedures in the system and subsystems
- new functions of the personnel of various departments in the course of the company’s operating activities
- work on new software and PACK
For training, we will create::
- specialized distance learning tools
- educational video presentations
- video lessons
- text instructions
We organize, if necessary, educational lectures and trainings.
Preparation of internal documents
We will help you develop templates or document drafts:
- internal routine
- regulations
- scenarios
- instructions
The business process models that we build for you will give all project participants a clear picture of which client employees, in which departments, and what they need to do in order to work with a new product or service. These models can be the basis for writing internal procedures, regulations, scripts and instructions.